Vessel for stardust

Posted on Instagram on September 11, 2018

To be held.
To be open.
To receive.
To be safe.
A piece born a couple of weeks ago, only now ready to be seen and to travel away from me.
Something intuitive, an image of comfort that popped in my mind while spinning thread and trying not to resist the flood of uncomfortable emotions.
Celestial hands materializing from the sky.
Holding a little rugged vessel - you.
Precious vessel for stardust and magic.
How to remain open while protecting yourself?
How to have healthy boundaries for your soft gentle heart?
How to surrender and trust that something will hold you?
I don't have all the answers but this piece gives me the feeling that all is unfolding how it is supposed to. That there is an order and a meaning and a reason, even if I can't see or understand them.
And for now it's enough.

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