Grow - Song of seeds

Posted on Instagram on August 26, 2018

This one has many layers to it.
There is a chamber beneath the stone, where I hid a lot of seeds of wild flowers and juniper, with a pinch of soil. The stone is a rutilated quartz that becomes a rain of sunshine needles when the light hits it.
It is about growing where we are planted - no matter if the situation doesn't seem ideal, if we could use a little bit more of warmth, space, nourishing.
It is about growing where they didn't want us to grow - didn't plan us to grow - didn't see us fit. This is the reason why the seeds are all from wild flowers that are often seen as weeds in the gardens and that are oh so resilient.
It is about how the seeds are a manifestation of hope and promise, to me. They are potential. .
It is about talking with my soul sister Maggie @sticksandstonessf the other day, about the people who have planted seeds of good into our souls. Like growing up thinking it's normal for everyone to overstep your boundaries, or hurting you, or making you small. And someone - or more of them - happens in your life, here and there, gifting you the idea that you deserve something different or something more. That what you perceive as normal, what you allow to crush yourself, isn't necessarily right. And you may not be ready to fully accept and digest the notion right then, but those people are planting seeds in your soul, little things that stay there and will grow each and every time you happen to water them. Until one day you look back and realise you have done it.
These people have granted you the permission to grow your own beautiful colorful messy garden.
The pendant is a little rattle.
Shake it and you will hear the sound of the silver leaves and of the seeds inside.
A song of hope and strength and resilience.
The song of the tiny seeds that accomplish the great task to make the world more beautiful.

Alice SavageComment