Serenity Spirit Doll

Posted on Instagram on September 14, 2018

"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference."
(Serenity Prayer)
You have seen her yesterday, when she just started to shape up.
She has been a much needed lesson and practice in surrender.
Because there is so much going on right now for me - things I worked to make happen and that still scare and challenge me - things happening that I can't control - things I want to avoid or control and I can't do either - also good things I am not used to have and that some part of me is scared of.
When I melted the silver for the body and realised it was melting in an awkward way (which means...different from what I usually do) I had a moment of childish tantrum. Omg. Please. I just came here to work in silver and relax and step out of all the talks and drama and worries... won't you really let me have it???!!
Then I took a deep breath and I tried to see the opportunity there. Where does this awkward piece of silver wants to lead me?
So I went ahead without thinking or planning, assembling pieces as they went. Remembering what is the pleasure in this work, past the plans and goals and whatever.
A little ball of melted copper at the bottom. Something like hair-roots wrapped around it.
Yes, I hear. Yes, I need to ground.
And the incident when said roots melted and it all took the shape of an almost heart.
Yes, I hear. Yes, always Love.
And someway she turned out to look like an Our Lady, so the halo felt perfectly right if made of leaves.
Finally...I blame @sticksandstonessf for the hint of bloody red patina - which she used recently in her work and that calls beautifully to my own journey with blood symbolism and what it means to me.

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