That is it

Posted on Instagram on May 8, 2018

Today I was off. It's been a while, actually. Even before the death in the family, I was feeling a bit off.
Not in my body fully. Not really present, often. Not slipping easily at all in a meditative state.
Not that to meditate comes easy to me - and I understand it's like this for many.
A while ago I read words from @robin.soyala that hit me, that made me know - remember - that it doesn't have to be that hard. That complicated.
But I forgot. The wisdom slipped away in the busy days and busy mind and busy tearing down of resistances and building of a new self.
This morning I did some yoga in the backyard with the daisies, and then I lay there, just breathing. Usually that contact with the earth almost instantly grounds me, puts me at ease and revives my stuck Root chakra.
Not today.
And I didn't like it. My mind started to work, worry, what's wrong with you, what's up, what what how why.
And Robin's words came back to me like a flash of sweet light.
And with them, the image of this amulet, to remind me of this simple important wisdom.
With her permission, I will copy them here for you:
"I want to write about the day i was talking practice with a kindred soul and i asked, “does it ever just feel so easy to let go of the outline and be in it that you think you’re cheating?” and we laughed together.
I want to write about asking a collaborator the other day how she felt about meditation, not great, and then inviting her at the end of our session to just drop her awareness down to her deep belly and feel there. that’s all. practice. and she sighed, “that is it? i like that.” (words by @robin.soyala)
For me, to make jewelry is first an act of medicine and prayer. It's to build tools to help me navigate life.
This pendant is the wisdom of Robin's words made metal:
The round deep belly - drop your awareness there.
The flower at the bottom for me works as a reminder to soften. I often clench, and to let go I think of a flower opening.
A little thing to keep with me always, so that I will see it often during my day and just remember - that yes, that is it. 💙




Embrace rings