One twig at a time

Posted on Instagram on March 26, 2018

"One twig at a time. Like a bird making a nest." (Carol Lovekin)
I happened to talk with a dear friend who is having a rough time. I know depression, I know life-crushing anxiety, I know they have their own process and timing... Still, all of me just wanted to make her better, help her, grab her hand and pull her out of the darkness.
But how?
I know all too well not to use those suggestions that are mostly harmful rather than useful - just think positive, be strong, don't think about it.
So I promised I would make her an amulet to light her way.
Something to remember her that if you look at all the things you should do and all the things you can't manage to do, all the ugly things your mind shouts at you, it's overwhelming. Paralysing.
That all you can do is to love yourself for what you are right here and right now, and moving gently, one step at the time. One tiny step at the time.
One twig at the time, like a bird making a nest...
So here is a little nest, a tiny feather, and a warm tiny heart, a symbol of this graceful, kind, loving wisdom.
Thankyou, my friend, for inspiring this amulet. Thankyou because I need it as well.
Thankyou because we may be able to offer this piece of love to others needing it.
You know who you are 💙


Spirit doll


In my own little world