Spirit doll

Posted on Instagram on March 28, 2018

I was lying in bed, looking up at the magical Dolls that Julia of @sacredfamiliar created for me. Reflecting on my journey with them, how they silently supported me, how I grew closer to them, how their magic shaped the vision I have of the world.
I reflected on how those images of feminine beings are important.
We need symbols and amulets, sometimes, to better get in touch with certain part of ourselves, and with the energies we can't see.
And I felt the need to bring this whole "what a Doll is to me" (even the parts I am unable to express in words) in a creation of silver and gemstone.
I fused, filed, soldered, carved. Quite freely, quite trusting luck and instinct.
Because I didn't have a guide, a tutorial, a lesson.
Just another leap of faith, if you will.
And this darling one appeared, hours later.
She is a wink to the first Doll I received from Julia, the Stag Woman that held my hand during some fearful years.
Even though this one has a different energy, less grandmother, definitely wild, fairy ancient ghostly. I like that she looks a bit like a Madonna, but not quite it.
I like that her horns are stylised and maybe they are branches instead.
I like how I can almost hear her transparent laughter as I hold her in my hand.


The spirit of what is lost


One twig at a time