Love is the only engine of survival

Posted on Instagram on August 23, 2019

The feedback I got from you all after I wrote about the little swift...ah, you opened my heart so wide!
And from your thoughts and words, my own thoughts and feelings and understandings emerged.
And they all seeped into this ring.
This is the kind of ring that I finish and KNOW I won't take off my finger for a long time.
This ring is all about love.
The bird that almost looks like an arrow. Pointing to true North - true Love.
The stars and the Moon and the Sun -the everything that loves you and holds you.
It is about the things that don't go as we would like - and accepting them.
I wanted the little bird to live. I wanted to save him.
But maybe we were just meant to meet for those fleeting hours and share that heart-full connection.
Maybe it's all right this way.
It is about that sense of helplessness, when you see someone hurting. And you want them to feel better. To change. To heal.
And maybe the secret medicine is to just hold their hands - hold them like a baby bird and whisper "you are ok, you are loved, you are not alone".
It's about learning to direct that ability to love toward ourselves as well.
If you can love a bird a flower a butterfly a tree a painting a doll a rock an animal a person so much - then why do you find yourself so often not doing the same for you?
Why do you think you are not enough not worthy not lovable?
You are the first person that has to take the role to love you. All the others will - eventually, maybe - follow.
(Another lesson to master).


The gifts of the Dark Moon


A Heart Of Darkness