
Posted on Instagram on December 5, 2018

Very often, when I have a period of struggling, I am used to find tiny feathers on my path.
To me, they are like a reminder to keep going, keep trusting. That I am held and watched over.
Sometimes I pick those tiny feathers up. Sometimes I just smile and whisper a thank you.
I didn't find any tiny feathers these past week. Not because I didn't need the message. Probably because I was so stuck inside my spiral of emotional and physical pain that I forgot to pay attention to the signs.
What I did, though, was to pay attention to my own emotions and thoughts - I observed them. I observed the messages from my body and tried to make sense of them.
Finally, I dragged myself to the bench because I realised that even though I was still in pain, I needed my time for making, for prayer-making, because my soul was starting to struggle.
I have been my own messenger. I have held myself the best I could. I have done my best to give myself reasons to hope and keep going.
This is why I made these two talismans, with two of those picked up feathers I told you about.
As a reminder that the signs are there, always, but sometimes we must remind to keep our eyes (heart) open.
That we are held, always, but it's important that we also to the job of holding ourselves.
That we are loved by something bigger than us, still we need to love ourselves.
That when we show up, even if it's hard and we are tired, the whole universe conspires to hold our hand.

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