Dragon eye

Posted on Instagram on July 20, 2019

Today's work greatly reflects my mood.
Unstable. Definitely not grounded. Blurred around the edges.
I went to work, excited at the idea of trying more overlaying of stones and shell, happy to make a new dragon's eye.
Happy to know I would be in that almost sacred space that allows my mind to focus on art instead of the flurry of fearful thoughts.
I chose a smoky quartz - because it's beautiful and it's a grounding stone and, oh Lord, I need grounding today.
Yesterday I used abalone below the stone, today I gave it a try with mother of pearl. I could find a spot that had an almost pupil shape, and it was decided.
I thought I would make a ring.
I also decided to try a different way of layering and forming the silver around the eye.
Something went ok, something went wrong, but in a way that worked better, so I don't complain.
And half way through it I realized this was not a ring. Heh. Pendant be it, then!
I wasn't in the mood for symmetry. I never am much, but today less than usual.
So this eye turned out much more organic than the others. And it's ok, it works. It almost feels like a pebble, with its borders and valleys.
There is no dragon drawing in the back.
There is some scratching.
Because in between the layers of anxiety and fear and tiredness and emotions I can't even name, there is a whisper of anger, and I wanted to honour it...I imagined the dragon's talons, scratching the metal.
It's warming up again. My mind associates it with the two weeks I went through lately, with extreme heat and panic attacks.
Rationally, I know the cause for the whole thing wasn't the weather alone. But my mind won't catch up. My mind is all "omg heat omg panic again!!". Not useful, mind, not useful.
So here I am, feeling. Feeling the sensations and trying to ride them. Ride the Dragon.
And in the late afternoon I went to the trees - where I took the pictures - and asked for relief and asked for calm.
Too many mosquitoes for calm, but the trees never fail to deliver love, at least ❤️


All of my pain - All of my hope


The Water Dragon Eye