The Water Dragon Eye

Posted on Instagram on July 19, 2019

"When life places stones in your path, be the water. A persistent drop of water will wear away even the hardest stone."
(Autumn Morning Star)
Still working on a different relationship with anxiety and fears, while working on these dragon pieces.
Today I was thinking about what my therapist always tells me - the anxiety is like a wave, don't fight it, let it ebb and flow.
One of my jewelry heroes, @flannerygrace sometimes puts abalone under transparent or semi transparent gems, and I always thought how beautiful it was - but, despite my placing all the things under stones (snake skin and fur and water and tears and whatever) it never happened that I tried that technique.
Today I was choosing between an abalone - for the water - while also playing with a few rutile quartzes just because I liked their light.
The quartz cabochon slipped and fell on the abalone slice, that was upside down. And it fell right how you see it here: with that dark natural line of the abalone straight in the middle of it.
A perfect dragon eye pupil.
How could I miss the chance?
So, even if I was mildly worried as I never did this before, I cut the abalone and made the piece and kept my fingers crossed 🤣
I love the result.
It's almost impossible to make it justice with pictures (I will post a video shortly!), but I can tell you I just keep gazing at it, moving it and enjoying every single color that shines through.
Who knows, maybe someday I will be able to look at my thoughts like that, observing and being curious about them, without letting them drag me around and drown me?
Sterling and fine silver, hand carved, with a hand drawn water dragon in the back.
Abalone and Rutile Quartz.


Dragon eye


The Eye Of The Dragon