Posted on Instagram on March 18, 2018

I woke up crazy with need to create this amulet. Early morning, light barely there.
Remember what I wrote yesterday, about the seed deep in the womb of the earth?
Such a small thing, wrapped in darkness - having to surrender to breaking in order to sprout, pushed and pulled by the impetuous energy of spring.
The brave little seed that breaks and grows a stem, reaching for the light - how does it even know the direction of the light in that complete darkness it lies in? Its heart knows, I like to think.
Trusting that its delicate stem and newborn minuscule leaf will have what it takes to break soil and grow and thrive.
Every time this small miracle happens, it's a seed saying YES. Yes to life. Yes to showing up. Yes to experiencing the seasons and the challenges and the glorious nourishing warmth of the sun.
Saying YES to the promise of life.
Accepting to realise its potential. .
I made three of these amulets. Each one is like taking a peek through the earth, allowing you to see the tiniest seed and its delicate stem and leaf, still wrapped in the darkness, but reaching for a golden light that is just there, just below the layer of the ground. Small miracle. Gentle promise. A hull that contains this ancient knowledge, this holy prayer. The back round and sweet and tactile, like grasping soil with your bare hands.
It can be worn both ways... With the seed toward your skin, protected, whispering to your heart; or facing out, remembering you of that deep truth each time you look in the mirror.
May we find in ourselves the courage of the seed. May we be able to surrender to the life that is calling to us, inviting us to become what we are meant to be.


La Petite Mort Ring

