Published on Instagram on June 21, 2019

"You protect your being when you love yourself better. That's the secret" (Isabelle Adjani)
The third hand in the serie.
Another exploration of my feelings, another reflection on how to love ourselves.
On how I can hold my own hand.
This one taught me I don't have to stay small, fly low, be too tied by feelings of "being realist - responsible".
For me, it means that often I shy away from my potential because I think it's impossible that I will achieve that much.
That I should be more realist and settle for a little less and be content.
That I don't deserve that much. That I can't hope for too much.
For instance here I used what is, for me, a lot of silver. Which is expensive. Then I hand carved all the moth. Time and resources.
I woke up with anxiety and with this idea.
I stood for a while between two feelings: I want to pour myself into it and make something beautiful that will take my mind off the anxiety - and - I am afraid I will make this big thing and nobody will buy it and I will have failed.
I am glad I didn't settle for flying low.
Because I love this one madly.
It's graceful and bold.
It speaks of comfort and of strength.
Moth have these many layers to me.
I think about the changes they go through in their life - can you imagine the struggle of transforming SO MUCH, from a larva to a winged creature?
And they have these fragile wings, so delicate, yet they allow them to fly.
And they are able to live in the liminal zones, between light and darkness. They are attracted to the light, but they don't fear the dark.
I put one of my beloved tiny crystal quartz points from my hoard. It's so clear, and it has a sort of growth fracture toward the top - growing sometimes comes at a cost, but that doesn't detract from your beauty and worth.
This is all sterling and fine silver.
The hand was sand cast from my own original hand talisman, the rest is hand cut, carved and soldered.


The Uncomfortable Emotions
