The Nina Pendant

Posted on Instagram on June 2, 2018

This is the Nina Pendant 😄
After yesterday's piece dedicated to Pooh, I wanted to make a smaller one as a pendant, and since Nina is the mini cat, she gets this one to be named after her 😺
When we got her she was 4 month old, and quite big for a kitty of that age. We figured she would become a really big cat! Instead, she grew a tiny bit more and stopped there 😂😂😂 so she is the mini cat.
She taught me a lot.
When we first got her she was a force to be reckoned with (running, jumping off walls, huge owl eyes), but not cuddly at all. I am a cuddler. I was upset that she didn't want to be petted or snuggle on me. I even thought she really didn't like me (self esteem issues much, yes 😅). And I felt a bad person for "judging" her.
One day I figured out it was what it was, and that I better accept her for what she is. She isn't cuddly but she sure is brave and crazy and fierce for such a little thing. She could teach me about courage and not giving a fuck, and I could totally use the lesson.
Since then, the more I have worked toward putting myself first, toward defending my own self. The more I have worked on my own resilience (and on noticing it). The more I have allowed myself to speak my truth... The more I did all of that, the closer she got to me.
Mind you, she still isn't a cuddle bug.
But she comes to sleep on my lap when I bead or spin wool. And when I nap.
She even allows me to pet her for a second.
I like to see it as her, my "teacher", recognising my improvements 😄
So this pendant is for remembering we were born wild and we won't let them tame us! (Isadora Duncan style!)
And to remember that indeed we can find someone that will love us without the need for us to shush our voice.
And also, to remember the importance of being a little crazy and playful and brave.




The Pooh Ring