Posted on Instagram on January 13, 2019

And while I was still on alert, waiting for the next drama to unfold...
While my mom was in full passive aggressive mode and I was still without therapist and I was worried I would not be able to deal with it...
With the list of rings I was expected to be working on...
I realised it's ok to go inward and nourish yourself.
It's ok to go in the cave with Mama Bear and get some comforting cuddles.
It's ok to take a break from the "should do" and make yourself feel good.
In my case it's making these pieces that I feel so hard. And it's spinning soft wool while calling the hug of the Grandmothers.
And naps.
This one is an amber with Snake skin and Bear fur under it. To remind you that it's ok to sink into slow comfort while shedding an old skin. It's right to find comfort in times of discomfort.
The warmth of amber and its connection to the wise wise trees...
Moth wings with eyes on them, moving - wear them open or closed.
In the back again the eye, directed inward, at your heart.
All hand drawn, cut and carved sterling silver and one of a kind.

Alice SavageComment