Hummingbird Moth

Posted on Instagram on June 15, 2018

"You can be anything you want to be
Just turn yourself into anything you think that you could ever be
Be free with your tempo, be free, be free
Surrender your ego be free, be free to yourself" (The Queen, Innuendo)
The Hummingbird-Hawk Moth (Macroglossum Stellatarum) is one of my favorite messengers from the Spirit and Animal world.
I remember the first time I saw her, five years ago, hovering on the geranium flowers on the balcony - I stopped there, in awe. Had I just seen a hummingbird? But we don't have them here...
Google is your friend, and with a little search I figured out I had just met my very first hummingbird moth.
I had been asking for signs. From the universe. From whoever was listening, really. I felt stuck and God, everything was so hard. I wanted to start my jewelry job for good and I wanted to heal and I wanted a life and it all seemed so far away. Did I even have it in me to achieve it all?
What a better messenger than this moth? Since then, every late spring she is my beacon of hope and possibility.
Moths, like butterflies, go through such dramatic changes in their lifetime, and for this reason they teach us to face change with grace.
But what about a moth that dresses up like a hawk and flies like a hummingbird?
She is the embodiment of possibility. And of fuck the rules and what they say you should be!
This is how I see her, at least 😄😅
And every time she flies by, tiny wings in hyper motion, suspended in the air and suckling on a flower, the same awe fills me.
Beautiful, tiny, brave punk moth!
So this year I wanted to immortalize her in silver.
And here she is... hand fabricated (not cast), unique precious being to live on a chain around the neck.


Warrior of the light

