Foxes II

Posted on Instagram on July 12, 2019

I felt the need, the urge to make two more foxes.
Because I needed to soak into the lesson a bit longer.
Because I wanted to make two more affordable versions - after the beautiful emotional reaction the first one got from you all.
Let me tell you the tale again, if you missed my post a few days back...
A fox was caught in a hunter's trap. She panicked. She couldn't escape, she didn't want the hunters to kill her. She thought, ok, maybe if I pretend to be dead they will go away and I will be able to escape, someway.
The first hunter comes. He says, the fox is dead, I am going to take her ear.
The fox thinks, well, I can live without a ear, and she stays still, doing her best not to make a sound, while the knife slices her ear.
The second hunter comes. The fox is dead? I am taking her tongue then.
The fox is scared but she thinks, well, I can live without tongue. And she stays still while the hunter cuts it, thinking that they will leave her alone and she will be able to finally escape.
And the third hunter comes.
Since the fox is dead, he says, I will take her heart!
Oh no!!! Thinks the fox. I can't live without my heart!!
And with a mighty effort, with all she has, she pulls at the trap, no matter the pain...And the trap gives and in seconds she is out of sight, running away, free at last.
It hit home.
Especially when I realized I needed a shower and I was scared to take it - something that happened often a couple years back, when I needed extra xanax for these basic tasks.
And I thought to myself...
I let fear take so much, how much more can I allow it to take away from me?
I kept this close to my heart while doing my best to get out from the hole I fell into.




The Fox I