Bloodline Wounds II

When you grow up in a dysfunctional family, you kind of take those patterns on yourself - plus, you build new patterns in order to survive it.
For me it's about feeling inferior, not enough. Feeling like I have to keep my head down or I will be an ungrateful arrogant daughter.
It also includes feeling like I am doomed to live with anxiety and depression and all that circus because my mother, her mother and her grandmother all went through it.
It also means to always be fine tuned to what others feel or may think, to predict their lashing out. It means to never feel safe and able to take care of myself. It means the need to please, so that I won't be abandoned.
And so many other things, plus some more I discover as I go through this journey that is therapy work, lol.
This piece is about going past these patterns. At least, seeing the possibility to do it. Seeing that the power to do it lies in me.
That I can acknowledge the patterns and triggers that make me react as I do, and decide to put new ones in their place.
That I have an alternative. That I don't have to necessarily play this role, if it doesn't fit me.
The skull for the ancestors, the garnet for the blood.
The Snake and the Butterfly wing as symbols of change.
The leaves, for Nature is the Mother, the one that always embraces and always comforts. The one we all go back to, when our flesh and bones turn to dust.
Sterling and fine silver, freshwater pearl that I carved, faceted garnet.


Lightkeeper Watcher


Bloodline Wounds