Art for the Soul

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Ring the bells

Posted on Instagram on July 2, 2018

"Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in"
(L. Cohen)
It's awfully difficult to sit with the discomfort. With the pain, the fear. The sense of failure, of disconnection.
It's difficult to really love and embrace myself for all that I am.
To watch those parts of me that seem so full of cracks and wounds and wondering if I will ever be able to fix them.
To look my weaknesses in the eyes and not cringe.
And then, it's harder to stop and remind that I don't need fixing. That I may be different but not weak or broken.
It's harder because it's such a new concept for me. One that allows me to definitely live better in my own skin, and face life in a different, easier way.
I guess it's about that loving yourself thing that I read oh so often about but always struggled to grasp.
This Australian Boulder Opal...the part our eyes are driven to, the part that captures our eyes and soul with the pale blue glittering in magic...that's the crack. That's the weakest part. The strong part is the brown matrix you see all around it.
Still, it's the crack, filled with tender magic, that gets us.
And this is why I chose this stone for this piece.
As usual, surrounded by natural shapes, by leaves and branches, because I always need the reminder that I belong to that something greater and bigger. Home.
On the back, a crack.
And a knowing heart with an eye to really see, and rays of light to face the darkness.
The crack is indeed where the light gets in.