I Hold My Magic

Posted on Instagram on November 7, 2019

Hands have always had a lot of meanings for me, and I have always been fascinated by them.
From Mudras to the grace of the hands painted by Sargent, through ex-voto, and my own representations of them in my drawings and, after, in my jewelry.
One of the main meanings I attribute to them is the feeling of being held, being safe. The earrings I made that I wear the most are pink tourmalines with hands dangling from them.
This hand here is in a way part of my family of hands, if I can call it this way.
First came the "hold my hand", bigger hands, easy to reach and hold in times when you need comfort.
This hand here belongs to a different stream. This hand holds something.
It's part of what I hope will become a line of hands, each holding a different meaning.
In this case, it's an affirmation, a recognition of the magic we carry inside. It's opening our eyes to it, saying it out loud, and, by doing this, using it more.
It's made from my original using the sand casting technique. I get a very rough shape from it, so that then I have to put a lot of work in shaping each finger and "posing" it - which is what I want, because I want each one to be unique.
This one is a silver and copper alloy, with a light pink tint, and sterling and fine silver accents.
It holds a labradorite, the stone of magic.


Surrendering to the shadows


Singing the Bones