Holy Heart

Posted on instagram on June 30, 2018

"Come loose your dogs upon me
And let your hair hang down
You are a little mystery to me
Every time you come around"
(Nick Cave)
This pendant is to represent what is most holy to me, the connection with Nature. This one is too, someway, related to the concept of Ancestry that keeps showing up for me recently.
Because we are all children of the Earth, and this is the first bond that ever was. The bond they can't take away from us.
This is a comfort and protection talisman.
A reminder to go back into the heart space when all feels confusing and scary. A reminder of Home, in the beautify swirling greens of the gemstone.
On the back, a Hand with an Eye is a symbol for protection, along with the phases of the Moon.
By looking at it I can remember the feel of moss beneath my hands. Of young leaves giggling upon my fingertips. Of hair untied, bare feet, deep breaths.
Where I am not asked to be someone else.


Ring the bells

