A relic from the distant past

As I celebrate my second year of "official" wood spindles making...today I found this relic from the past.
This is a spindle that I whittled from some reclaimed pine wood when I was twelve.
My grandmother had taught me to spin on an Italian drop spindle but didn't want to let me use her spindle, so, stubborn as I always have been, I went and made the closest replica I could from memory, with an old knife and no experience in wood cutting.
All things considered, I didn't do too bad! 😂

Finding this spindle has me thinking about how the seed of fiber and spindle making has been in me for a very long time...there is something magical in this.

I would like to take that twelve years old girl, bring her with me at the lathe, and create with her the spindle of her dreams...
Or maybe that's what I already do every time I play with a new spindle design ❤️


Dream :: Playing with the Ancestors